Thursday, January 9, 2014

Peppermint Brownie Cake-Pop from Starbucks

Winter time means it's time for Peppermint Bark: peppermint candy pieces, such as candy canes, in white chocolate on top of dark chocolate!
 Starbucks doesn't sell cupcakes and the Peppermint Brownie Cake-Pop is only in stores for a limited time, so I gave it a try.

These seasonal bite sized cakes  made up of peppermint chocolate  buttercream cake are dipped in white chocolate, sprinkled with candy cane bits, and covered chunks of sugar. They come on a festive candy cane striped stick, too!


When I took my first bite, I had to catch sugary morsels in my hand as the candy coating crumbled off of the cake as I ate it. Though the crunchy pieces of candy and sugar do mask the of the white chocolate shell well, they don't hide it's waxy consistency completely.
 Kind of like a  fudge brownie, this Cake-Pop's "cake" (brownie) is rather doughy... in a yummy way...not an under cooked way.

The Peppermint dominates the chocolatiness of this Peppermint Brownie Cake-Pop, but it works. It's a really sugary, doughy reincarnation of Peppermint Bark.  It's what to be expected of a Starbucks pastry.
For 170 calories and a buck fifty each, Starbucks' Peppermint Brownie Cake-Pop is a sweet, and convenient  little deal!

1 comment:

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