Saturday, March 8, 2025

Reshaping Music Production for Women and Gender-Expansive Artists & Producers

Founded in 2007 in New York , Gender Amplified, the non-profit organization celebrates women and geneder-exspansive musicians and music producers. Founder and President Ebonie Smith's mission is to  raise visability for these marginalized artists and their crafts with the goal of building actual inclusionary equity within the music industry. 

March is Women's History month and March 8th has been dubbed International Women's Day since 1977. It is a global day of recgonition celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women along with raising awareness for gender equality. 

International Women's Day is not just a day to souly celebrate women's achievements -- it is a call to action for inclusionary gender equality along with addressing on-going challenges regarding women's rights worldwide. 

In Bloom EP cover-art

In the land of the free and home of the brave, American women are watching their rights stripped away from them, some of which were fought for and were granted as recently as the 1970s
 In a cowardist move in a coutry accelerating towards grotesque proportions of opression and supression,  Apple and Google silently removed International Women's Day from their calendars on March 7th, 2025. 

It's dishearting to say the very least but we will not be silenced.
We know what day it is. 

Something positive for the Women's Rights Movement as well as the Black Lives Matter Movement and  the LBGTQ+ Rights Movement also happened on March 7th, 2025. 

Yesterday Gender Amplified shared the collaborative debut, In Bloom

The three track EP is a dreamy, buoyant collab intertwining up-and-coming artists and producers. It's out now thanks to Warner Music Group's independent distribution branch, ADA. 

Along with the full release, the organization also dropped the bubbly, glitchy anthem "Trick Mirror" featuring Caro <3 and Dance Artists Center. Listen to that single here.

Gender Amplifed's International Women's Day celebration doesn't stop there!

On March 20th supporters and soon to be supports can attend an intamate listening party in New York, the city that never sleeps, therefore will never be silenced. 

Happy International Women's Day! 

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